When Echo Park first leapt into the scrapbook market, I fell in love with their Sweet Summertime and Walk in the Park papers almost immediately. Then came the Little Girl collection, of which I got the whole set.
I was so busy in the first three months with work, ministry and settling my son in primary school that I hardly had time to scrap. I thought English and Mandarin spelling would be the worst of it all. Then I found out there was "Show and Tell" (for 6-year-olds?!) So sleep was always the first priority when there was time! When things finally settled somewhat, you could say I literally scrapped with vengence. (Plus, ahem, there were deadlines to meet for my LSS.) I took out the Echo Park papers and did this mini album of our UK road trip last year and a layout of my (not-so) little girl.
There's more to come in the next few days. I'm in the midst of completing a 12x12 album of our UK trip (too many beautiful photos so I printed most of them) and finishing some loooong overdue wedding albums.

What a fun LO. Love the clothes line banners