
About Me

Officially, I am a mom and a freelance writer. Unofficially, I'm a hoarder collector of pretty washi tape, paper, stickers and vintage embellishments.

In my papeterie house are two energetic teens masquerading as primary schoolers. We suspect they are the same elves who empty our fridge of yoghurt, cheese and bread every few days. Just in case anyone's interested, we always welcome donations to our Feed The Hungry fund.

In between educating ("Go learn 100 Chinese proverbs!") and entertaining ("Go fold the clothes, clean the table and wash the toilet!") these young 'uns, I find my own space such as hiding in the storeroom to drink bubble tea and pasting paper in the middle of the night.

And even though the system's still coping post-Cumberbatch ever since the third season of Sherlock ended, I must say life's pretty good exploring places as a family and cuddling on the sofa with my brood reading Tintin and Calvin & Hobbes.