
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

A Gift

A gift from Asher. Priceless and precious.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Gimme Camera!

My mum recently gave this photo to me. It was surprisingly sharp, considering that she took it using her mobile phone's camera. It was my Ariel at her natural - trying to grab things within her reach, at about 8-10 months I think.

Materials used: Sassafrass (Bungle Jungle) PPs and stickers, Foof-fa-la buttons, Ranger Glitz Stickles (Ruby Slippers), Prima flowers, AC Alpha Stickers, Slick Writer (Black) Pen

Friday, April 3, 2009

Asher Blogs

I just created a blog for Asher.

It is one of my desperate attempts to inject fun into education and occupy him in a constructive way before he paints my house yellow.

Since Asher likes hitting buttons on the keyboard, I thought, why not create a blog for him? That way, he can:

1) Learn how to spell and create sentences
2) Have fun choosing the colours on his blog
3) Be educated in a fun and simple way

Good idea - except that I chose to create the blog on a day where
1) Both brother and sister did not nap all day
2) The time was 5.30pm, and the little exhausted engines were choo-chooing out of control

So in between high-pitched screams of "Peeen! Peen!" ("Pink!") and bellows of "WRITE MY NAME! I WANT MY NAME!", was born.

Asher is supposed to write a sentence a day. We'll see how long the mother can survive.